Kakkmaddafakka – “Lilac” Official Music Video

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Kakkmaddafakka – “Lilac” Official Music Video

Artist city, country: Bergen, Norway

Artist Biography: Carlín Díaz was born in Caracas – Venezuela, country that he left in 2012. Currently he lives in Paris – France, working freelance as an Animation Director, Animator and Illustrator.

Some of his artworks have organic shapes, some others have geometric ones. Shapes, he always thinks about shapes: of a circle, a flower, the shape of a woman… But, how to represent them graphically? It all depends of the personality of each shape and the vibe that it transmits.
Every project has its own personality, every project creates its own feeling.

Director Name: Carlín Díaz
Director Link: http://carlindiaz.com/

About The Video: Two strangers spent a special day in Bergen. After that, with no way to contact each other, they will meet again in their memories.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlindiaz.updates/
Other Link: https://vimeo.com/carlindiaz

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