AV Super Sunshine – “AV Super Sunshine Theme” Victor House Records

AV Super Sunshine

The AV Super Sunshine name fits both the artist and his music perfectly. When asked about his songs and inspiration, AV explains, “It’s real personal. I’m a long-term, severe abuse victim but trying to fight the good fight. A few years ago I was diagnosed with severe PTSD, depression and anxiety disorder. I’ve used songwriting as a way to cope.”
He goes on to explain, “I’ve tried record everything I’ve been experiencing in my songwriting. Everything I write is about a true life or an emotional experience I’ve had.” He shares his Super Sunshine with the hope that his songs will help others with similar circumstances or illness.
This incredibly driven artist doesn’t stop producing, and a full ‘Candyland’ CD is scheduled for release in 2019. Written to be a rock opera like the Who’s “Tommy,” the songs tell stories of AV’s time in treatment and his journey of weaning himself off anti-depressants. The new CD will contain full band versions of “Apple”, “Orange”, “Time Bomb“ and “Alien Abduction”, as well as several new songs. An AV Super Sunshine film based on the “Alien Abduction” song is also planned to be released with the CD and will begin making the rounds at film festivals. AV’s tour plans are to promote both the “Candyland” remixes, ‘Candyland’ album, and “Alien Abduction” film.

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