Riverside Odds – “Tonight” A BlankTV World Premiere!

Riverside Odds

Drinking, fighting, stealing your girlfriends, wrestling, and more drinking… and that’s just in the first six minutes. Sounds like one hell of a fun night, right? The Riverside Odds will deliver to you Philadelphia speed punk rock n roll like a freight train fueled on cigarettes, PBR and scotch whiskey.

Formed in 2013 by vocalist RW and bassist Tim, formerly of Philadelphia speed punk band, Griswolds, and guitarist Matty Terror of the Von Horrorbles and The Heartbeaters, these guys are veterans of the scene, having been in a total of 11 bands between them. Drummer Darren “D-Bag” Wallbridge, who was practically born with drumsticks in his hands, has lent his skills to a number of projects throughout the years and was picked up early on to round out the band. in 2014 Dan “Bezzi” Beswick, formerly from the band Balista, was added as lead guitarist.

Influenced by bands such as The Dwarves, Black Flag, Zeke, Ramones, The Dead Boys, Token Entry, The Riverside Odds know just how to throw down fast and hard rock n roll.

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