UDK – “Like Rats” Official Music Video


After a split in 2008, Alejandro and Rodrigo (Both guitarists and original members), decided to give a new try to the project, re-joining in a rehearsal room to dust-off the songs included in UDK´s first two albums (‘Hand that Feeds’/2004 and ‘From Sacred to Profane’/2008 ).
Chemistry was intact, and it seemed that the last rehearsal wouldn’t have been seven years ago, but the day before.
The writing process did not took much time, so quickly many riffs surfaced to their hands shaping ten new songs that led the band to record a brand new album.
Between April and July of this year, UDK finishes the mixing process of ‘Burnt Cradles’ the chosen name for this new record that will bring back the band on stage for the next months.
A video for the first single called “Like Rats” is released, and the band starts the promotion duties of the video and album, while scheduling as many dates as possible to tour the rest of 2018 and whole 2019.

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